1. ホーム
  2. 大学からのお知らせ
  3. 「南海トラフ地震臨時情報」を受けて(注意喚起)


学生、教職員のみなさんへ(2024/08/09 学長)







To Students, Fuculty and Staff / Aug.9, President

 Following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake centered in the Hyuga Sea on August 8, the Japan Meteorological Agency issued a "Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory" on the same day, calling for caution in the event of another massive earthquake. The possibility of a large-scale earthquake in the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Disaster Prevention Measures Promotion Area" is relatively higher than usual, according to the agency.

 In response, Ibaraki Prefectural Government has requested that the eight municipalities designated as "Nankai Trough Earthquake Disaster Prevention Promotion Areas" (Mito, Hitachi, Hitachinaka, Kashima, Kamisu, Hokota, Oarai, and Tokai) be thoroughly prepared for a tsunami.

 Ibaraki University will be closed for the summer holiday period (August 10 - 15). If your place of residence, place of return home, or place of travel falls within the "Disaster Prevention Promotion Areas" in Ibaraki Prefecture or elsewhere, please make particular efforts to gather information, check evacuation sites, evacuation routes, stockpiles, and other preparations, and take action to protect yourself in the event of an earthquake or tsunami.

 Please note that the university may issue an e-mail to confirm your safety, so please check your university e-mail in the event of a disaster or other calamity.